About the Journal

  Journal title  : SINERGI - Jurnal Riset Ilmiah
  Initials  :  SINERGI
  Language  : Indonesia and English
  Frequency  : 12 issues per year
  DOI  : prefix 10.62335 by Crossref
  Online ISSN  : 3031-8947
  Editor-in-Chief  : Muhammad Munawir Gazali, M.Si
  Publisher  : LPP Manggala Institue
  Citation Analysis  : Google Scholar | Garuda

SINERGI -  Jurnal Riset Ilmiah  is a multidisciplinary journal published by LPP Manggala Institute and can be accessed openly. This journal is a peer reviewed, open access, scientific and scholarly journal which publishes research papers, review papers, case reports, case studies, books review, thesis, dissertation works, etc. This journal is published twelve issue a year, every month with online version of E-ISSN : 3031-8947.

SINERGI journal provides a means for ongoing discussion of relevant issues that fall within the focus and scope of the journal that can be examined empirically. This journal publishes research articles covering multidisciplinary sciences, including Socio-Cultural Sciences and Exact Sciences, humanities and social sciences, education, religious sciences, philosophy, economics, engineering sciences, and health sciences.